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Showing: 1 - 10 of 138 RESULTS

GERD Treatment with Naturopathy in Lucknow

Introduction Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a common digestive disorderthat affects many individuals in Lucknow and across India. Oftencharacterized by …


Lower Respiratory Infections: Naturopathy and Yoga

Lower respiratory infections (LRIs) are a significant health concernworldwide, affecting millions of people annually. Conditions such asbronchitis, pneumonia, and chronic …


Dystonia: Signs, Symptoms, Causes,and Management Strategies

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, leadingto twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. It …


Dysphagia: Signs,Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a condition that affects many individuals, often leading toserious health complications. In this blog, we …


Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms,Causes, and Management

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes that affects the eyes and canlead to vision loss if not managed …


Delirium: Signs, Symptoms, Causes,Diagnosis, and Management

Delirium is a serious and acute condition characterized by suddenconfusion and a disturbance in attention. It is often seen in …


Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by dramaticshifts in mood, energy levels, and activity levels. It affects millions …


Anorexia Nervosa: Symptoms,Causes, and Management

Anorexia nervosa is a serious mental health condition characterized by anintense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image, …


Ataxia: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Management

Ataxia is a term that encompasses a group of neurological disorderscharacterized by a lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements. …

lady suffering from bell's palsyBlogs

Bell’s Palsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Naturopathy Management

Bell’s Palsy is a condition that affects the facial muscles, leading to sudden and often temporary weakness or paralysis on …